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feisheng Chapter 1: Wedge
feisheng Chapter 1: Wedge
Chapter 1: Wedge
1. 楔子
Chapter 1: Wedge
The fire was blazing.
2. 大火,熊熊燃起。
The fire was blazing.
"To save, or not to save?" In the fire, there was a man in white who was still thinking. He didn't take the high temperature around him seriously.
3. “救,还是不救?”火光中,却有一个白衣人静思着,浑没把身周的高温当回事。
"To save, or not to save?" In the fire, there was a man in white who was still thinking. He didn't take the high temperature around him seriously.
Looking at the countless soldiers holding guns outside the fire, the man in white retreated. Naturally, he wouldn't be afraid of those soldiers, but he doesn't want to cause any trouble. Among the fellow apprentices, he has the heaviest mortal heart, and he hasn't been ascended yet.
4. 看了看火光之外无数手持洋枪的联军士兵,白衣人退缩了。他自然不会怕了那些人,只是他不愿意惹什么麻烦,师兄弟中,就数他凡心最重,也就他至今还未飞升了。
Looking at the countless soldiers holding guns outside the fire, the man in white retreated. Naturally, he wouldn't be afraid of those soldiers, but he doesn't want to cause any trouble. Among the fellow apprentices, he has the heaviest mortal heart, and he hasn't been ascended yet.
With a sigh, the man in white suddenly left the beautiful royal garden.
5. 叹了口气,白衣人祭起遁术,倏忽离开了这座美仑美焕的皇家花园。
With a sigh, the man in white suddenly left the beautiful royal garden.
The fire continues to burn...
6. 大火,继续燃烧着……
The fire continues to burn...
"Alas, it's a pity that this great place for cultivation is burned." Dozens of miles away, the man in white looked at the place where he had lived for many days with a little melancholy. He felt lost. He was not only regretting the loss of another land of cultivation, but also blaming himself for his lack of "the heart of dao". The man in white knew that if his brothers who had already ascended were here, they would not be disturbed by any of these outside things.
7. “唉,可惜了这个大好的修炼所在。”数十里之外,白衣人略带惆怅地向他栖身多日的所在看了最后一眼,心中若有所失。他既是为失去又一个修仙宝地而遗憾,又是为自己道心不够而自责,白衣人知道,若是换了他那些已经飞升的师兄弟,一定不会被这外物所扰的。
"Alas, it's a pity that this great place for cultivation is burned." Dozens of miles away, the man in white looked at the place where he had lived for many days with a little melancholy. He felt lost. He was not only regretting the loss of another land of cultivation, but also blaming himself for his lack of "the heart of dao". The man in white knew that if his brothers who had already ascended were here, they would not be disturbed by any of these outside things.
"Well, it's a long way to seek for dao. Losing this blessed place, I only need to spend a few more years. I'm an immortal, why do I care about time?" The man in white shook his head, pinched his fingers and disappeared again.
8. “算了,证道之路漫漫,失却这处福地,不过是多耗几年罢了,我等修道之人,寿与天齐,又何必在乎这么几年?”白衣人摇摇头,掐指一算,身形再度消失。
"Well, it's a long way to seek for dao. Losing this blessed place, I only need to spend a few more years. I'm an immortal, why do I care about time?" The man in white shook his head, pinched his fingers and disappeared again.

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