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feisheng Chapter 2: Part One
feisheng Chapter 2: Part One
Chapter 2: Part One
9. 上篇
Chapter 2: Part One
One year, two years, three years, four years, five years, six years, seven years, eight years, nine years, ten years Twenty years, thirty years, forty years, fifty years, sixty years, seventy years, eighty years, ninety years, one hundred years...
10. 一年过去了,两年过去了,三年过去了,四年过去了,五年过去了,六年过去了,七年过去了,八年过去了,九年过去了,十年过去了……二十年过去了,三十年过去了,四十年过去了,五十年过去了,六十年过去了,七十年过去了,八十年过去了,九十年过去了,一百年过去了……
One year, two years, three years, four years, five years, six years, seven years, eight years, nine years, ten years Twenty years, thirty years, forty years, fifty years, sixty years, seventy years, eighty years, ninety years, one hundred years...
Over the one hundred years, the world pattern has changed greatly. Countless wars have broken out among countries, and even a few countries have been annihilated in the long river of history. Countless people have died in the wars. Of course, even if there is no war, ordinary people will not live long. A hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. Only a few people can leave their names in the annals of history.
11. 这些年来,世界格局大变,各国间爆发了无数的战争,甚至有少数国家湮灭在了历史的长河中,而个体的民众,更是在战争中死亡了无数,当然,哪怕没有战争,以正常人的寿命,他们也活不了多久,人生百年,弹指而过,如果能把名字留在史册中,那已经是少数人的特权了。
Over the one hundred years, the world pattern has changed greatly. Countless wars have broken out among countries, and even a few countries have been annihilated in the long river of history. Countless people have died in the wars. Of course, even if there is no war, ordinary people will not live long. A hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. Only a few people can leave their names in the annals of history.
However, there are a smaller number of people who can live longer than ordinary people. There are insiders who call them cultivators. The cultivators are pure-hearted and lack desire. They practice hard in order to get rid of life, old age, sickness, and death, and eventually ascend to be immortal. Of course, not every cultivator can practice day and night without being affected by anything.
12. 不过,有更少数的人,他们可以比普通人活得更久,有知情者,称呼他们为修士修士们清心寡欲,刻苦修练,为了就是能超脱生老病死,最终白日飞升,当然,也不是每一个修练者都能够日修夜练,都能够超然物外的。
However, there are a smaller number of people who can live longer than ordinary people. There are insiders who call them cultivators. The cultivators are pure-hearted and lack desire. They practice hard in order to get rid of life, old age, sickness, and death, and eventually ascend to be immortal. Of course, not every cultivator can practice day and night without being affected by anything.
Some of them lack continuity in the endeavor。 These people can also build up their health and prolong their life by cultivating. However, even if they live a few more years, they still have no chance to ascend to be immortal. As time went by, they died one by one. After death, some of them were buried, some of them were abandoned in the wilderness, some of them were burned by fire, some of them made into zombies by Maoshan Taoist priest, or were summoned by the necromancer to make porn movies to make money. They can't control it. They were dead.
13. 他们中,有的人三天打渔、两天晒网,这些人,倒也能强身健体、延年益寿,只可惜他们就算多活了几年,终究还是与白日飞升无缘,一个个先后死去,至于死后尸身是被好生安葬,被遗弃荒野,还是被大火焚化,被茅山道士制成僵尸,或是被死灵法师召唤后拍阴阳圈叉av赚钱,就不是他们能够控制的了。
Some of them lack continuity in the endeavor。 These people can also build up their health and prolong their life by cultivating. However, even if they live a few more years, they still have no chance to ascend to be immortal. As time went by, they died one by one. After death, some of them were buried, some of them were abandoned in the wilderness, some of them were burned by fire, some of them made into zombies by Maoshan Taoist priest, or were summoned by the necromancer to make porn movies to make money. They can't control it. They were dead.
Some of them cultivated hard, but they had a bad heart. They wanted to break through the walls, steal money, assassinate politicians, kidnap the rich, or peep at their wives, husbands, sisters, little girls, baby girls... since they were cultivating for unruly purposes, the process of their cultivation was extremely dangerous. If they were careless, they would come to a tragic end.
14. 他们中,有的人勤修苦练,却是心怀不轨,欲凭道术穿墙入室,窃金盗银,刺杀政要,绑架富豪,或是偷窥人妻、偷窥欧巴、偷窥御姐、偷窥罗莉、偷窥女童、偷窥****、偷窥女婴……其中偷窥女婴的或许有些奇怪,但这些人,一般也都是人妻控的衍生物,想到女婴身旁的人母,这其实也不奇怪了。不管他们是否奇怪,以这种不轨目的来修行的,因其心不正,修行速度可想而知,而且心魔既生,修行过程实是凶险万分,稍有不慎便落个万劫不复的悲惨下场。
Some of them cultivated hard, but they had a bad heart. They wanted to break through the walls, steal money, assassinate politicians, kidnap the rich, or peep at their wives, husbands, sisters, little girls, baby girls... since they were cultivating for unruly purposes, the process of their cultivation was extremely dangerous. If they were careless, they would come to a tragic end.
Some of them were good people with a kind heart. For others, for the greater good, for the country... They cultivated not for themselves, but for serving others better. Some of them were cultivating for rescuing their sick mother, some of them were cultivating for picking flowers from the cliff for a cute little girl, some of them were cultivating for expelling foreign invaders, some of them were cultivating for revenge for their sects, some of them were cultivating to study the mystery of human body for the country... But no matter what the reason was, they were all disturbed by foreign things. Although they had a clear conscience, it was difficult for them to advance again. With their shallow cultivation, even if they lived longer than ordinary people, they would only die a few years later than ordinary people. If they wanted to ascend to be immortal, they would have no hope for life.
15. 他们中,有的人疑似雷锋转世重生www.,一心为他人、一心为集体、一心为国家……他们修练不是为了自己,而是为了更好地服务于他人,有的是为了救助生病的母亲,有的是为了给一个很萌的罗莉采悬崖上的鲜花,有的是为了驱逐外辱,有的是为了一雪当年师门的耻辱,有的是为了替国家研究人体奥秘……但不论是为了什么,无论是什么原因,他们皆是被外物所扰,虽然问心无愧,道心也难以再进,凭他们那点浅薄修为,哪怕最后多活上些年头,也不过是晚死几年而已,要想飞升,那怕是终身无望了。
Some of them were good people with a kind heart. For others, for the greater good, for the country... They cultivated not for themselves, but for serving others better. Some of them were cultivating for rescuing their sick mother, some of them were cultivating for picking flowers from the cliff for a cute little girl, some of them were cultivating for expelling foreign invaders, some of them were cultivating for revenge for their sects, some of them were cultivating to study the mystery of human body for the country... But no matter what the reason was, they were all disturbed by foreign things. Although they had a clear conscience, it was difficult for them to advance again. With their shallow cultivation, even if they lived longer than ordinary people, they would only die a few years later than ordinary people. If they wanted to ascend to be immortal, they would have no hope for life.
Among them, there were also those who devote themselves to cultivation and were not trapped by worldly affairs at all. After a period of cultivation, those people had ascended one after another. It was a pity that in recent years, more novel things had emerged one after another, and more women became shameless. Cultivators had been made to indulge in their desires one by one, so that no one in the world had ascended in the past few years.
16. 他们中,也有一心一意修行,并且完全不为俗务所困的,那些人,在修行了一段时间后,便纷纷飞升了。只可惜,因为近年来更新奇的事物层出不穷、更风骚的女人层剥不羞,修士们一个个被搞得心猿意马,一个个沉浸于横流物欲中,以致于这些年来,人间竟无一人飞升。
Among them, there were also those who devote themselves to cultivation and were not trapped by worldly affairs at all. After a period of cultivation, those people had ascended one after another. It was a pity that in recent years, more novel things had emerged one after another, and more women became shameless. Cultivators had been made to indulge in their desires one by one, so that no one in the world had ascended in the past few years.
Of course, there were also people who had the hope to ascend. The man in white was one of them with the strongest cultivation base.
17. 当然,世上也不是无人有望飞升,当年圆明园中的那位白衣人,便是其中修为最高的一位。
Of course, there were also people who had the hope to ascend. The man in white was one of them with the strongest cultivation base.

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