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feisheng Chapter 4: Postscript
feisheng Chapter 4: Postscript
Chapter 4: Postscript
59. 后记
Chapter 4: Postscript
The man in white was the only one who ascended in nearly 100 years, and he was also the first ascended after the founding of new China.
60. 白衣人的飞升,乃是近百年来唯一的一次,也是新中国成立后的首次白日飞升。
The man in white was the only one who ascended in nearly 100 years, and he was also the first ascended after the founding of new China.
There is no way to find out who the man in white is. Probably the man in white himself has forgotten his name. For him, there is nothing beyond cultivation.
61. 这白衣人究竟是谁,已经无从考证,他的名字是什么,恐怕白衣人自己都无法回答,对他而言,修行之外,再无一物。
There is no way to find out who the man in white is. Probably the man in white himself has forgotten his name. For him, there is nothing beyond cultivation.
He is the first, and no one knows who the second and the third are and when they will appear. If they want to get a chance, if they want to show off in front of their friends and beauties, if they have a bad idea, they may become the protagonists of novelists, but they will never be able to see the truth of dao.
62. 他是第一位,之后的第二位、第三位,不知要等到哪年才能出现。若是心怀侥幸想获得奇遇的,若是略有小成就在朋友美女面前显摆的,若是本来就心术不正的,他们或许可以成为小说家们笔下的主角,却永远无法得窥天道。
He is the first, and no one knows who the second and the third are and when they will appear. If they want to get a chance, if they want to show off in front of their friends and beauties, if they have a bad idea, they may become the protagonists of novelists, but they will never be able to see the truth of dao.
This is how boring cultivation is!
63. 修行,就是这么无聊的!
This is how boring cultivation is!

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