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feisheng Chapter 3: Part two
feisheng Chapter 3: Part two
Chapter 3: Part two
18. 下篇
Chapter 3: Part two
After the summer palace was burned, the man in white never went back. The spirit qi in that place has been ruined, and it is no longer a good place for cultivation.
19. 在圆明园被烧后,白衣人再也没有回去过,那个地方,灵气已经被毁,不再是修行的好去处了。
After the summer palace was burned, the man in white never went back. The spirit qi in that place has been ruined, and it is no longer a good place for cultivation.
In the first year, the man in white found a blessed land in Lushan Mountain. He collected his mind and did not pay attention to any foreign things, and began to cultivate meditation.
20. 第一年,白衣人在庐山找了块福地,收摄心神,不问外物,开始了静修。
In the first year, the man in white found a blessed land in Lushan Mountain. He collected his mind and did not pay attention to any foreign things, and began to cultivate meditation.
The next year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
21. 第二年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
The next year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the third year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
22. 第三年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the third year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the fourth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
23. 第四年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the fourth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the fifth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
24. 第五年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the fifth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the sixth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
25. 第六年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the sixth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the seventh year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
26. 第七年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the seventh year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the eighth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
27. 第八年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the eighth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the ninth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
28. 第九年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the ninth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the tenth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
29. 第十年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the tenth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the eleventh year, this blessed land was destroyed by mortals again, and the man in white had to find a more secret place to start meditation again.
30. 第十一年,这块福地再次被凡人所毁,白衣人只得另找一处更隐秘的所在,重新开始静修。
In the eleventh year, this blessed land was destroyed by mortals again, and the man in white had to find a more secret place to start meditation again.
In the twelfth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
31. 第十二年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the twelfth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 13th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
32. 第十三年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the 13th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the fourteenth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
33. 第十四年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the fourteenth year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 15th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
34. 第十五年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the 15th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 16th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
35. 第十六年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the 16th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 17th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
36. 第十七年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the 17th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 18th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
37. 第十八年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the 18th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 19th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
38. 第十九年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the 19th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 20th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
39. 第二十年,白衣人继续修练。不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
In the 20th year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
In the 21st year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
40. 第二十一年,白衣人所在之处,再次被战火波及,他只得再度转移。
In the 21st year, the man in white continued to cultivation. Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
41. 又是不食、不眠,日练、夜练……
Don't eat, don't sleep, cultivate day and night...
If he was an ordinary person, he would have been driven crazy by such boring life. The man in white didn't have a strong heart of dao, and he wavered at the beginning, but he persisted in the end.
42. 若是换了一个普通人,恐怕早就被这等无聊的生活逼疯了,白衣人道心不坚,初时也有过动摇,但终究还是坚持了下来。
If he was an ordinary person, he would have been driven crazy by such boring life. The man in white didn't have a strong heart of dao, and he wavered at the beginning, but he persisted in the end.
For more than a hundred years, he has been cultivating, cultivating and cultivating. When the blessed land was occupied, he would leave and find another place. When he met the tragedy in the world, he would be indifferent. When he was insulted by the villain, he would take the initiative to leave...
43. 百多年里,他就是修练,修练,再修练。当福地被占时,他就会另找一处,当遇见人间惨剧时,他会漠然而视,当被恶人侮辱时,他会主动退避……
For more than a hundred years, he has been cultivating, cultivating and cultivating. When the blessed land was occupied, he would leave and find another place. When he met the tragedy in the world, he would be indifferent. When he was insulted by the villain, he would take the initiative to leave...
For more than a hundred years, he regarded the world as nonexistent, and the world also regarded him as nonexistent.
44. 百多年里,他把世界当作了不存在,世界也把他当作了不存在。
For more than a hundred years, he regarded the world as nonexistent, and the world also regarded him as nonexistent.
This day was the 57th anniversary of the founding of new China. The man in white had achieved great success in his cultivation. His Heaven Eyes had opened and he looked down upon all living beings in silence.
45. 这一天,已是新中国成立五十七周年。白衣人修行大成,天眼已开,默默地俯视着众生。
This day was the 57th anniversary of the founding of new China. The man in white had achieved great success in his cultivation. His Heaven Eyes had opened and he looked down upon all living beings in silence.
On the street, a child stole a bag, and the man in white watched it quietly.
46. 街上,有个小孩偷包,白衣人静静地看着。
On the street, a child stole a bag, and the man in white watched it quietly.
The child was caught by the police, and the man in white watched it quietly.
47. 小孩子被警察逮住,,白衣人静静地看着。
The child was caught by the police, and the man in white watched it quietly.
Somewhere in the suburb, a villain was breaking the corpse. The man in white watched it quietly.
48. 某处郊外有恶徒碎尸,白衣人静静地看着。
Somewhere in the suburb, a villain was breaking the corpse. The man in white watched it quietly.
A man and a beast fought in the shed. The man in white watched it quietly.
49. 小棚里上演人兽大战,白衣人静静地看着。
A man and a beast fought in the shed. The man in white watched it quietly.
A scientist was about to make a breakthrough, but he made a mistake in the end. The man in white watched it quietly.
50. 某科学家眼看就要做出突破,却在最后想错一步,功亏一篑。白衣人静静地看着。
A scientist was about to make a breakthrough, but he made a mistake in the end. The man in white watched it quietly.
A village girl by the river hesitated for a long time and finally jumped down. The man in white watched it quietly.
51. 大江边一民村姑犹豫半天,终于纵身跳下。白衣人静静地看着。
A village girl by the river hesitated for a long time and finally jumped down. The man in white watched it quietly.
Old mother dying, son kneeling on the head of the bed crying. The man in white watched it quietly.
52. 年迈的母亲奄奄一息,儿子跪在床头痛哭。白衣人静静地看着。
Old mother dying, son kneeling on the head of the bed crying. The man in white watched it quietly.
Several gangsters chasing a beautiful woman passed by the man in white. He just watched it quietly.
53. 几名歹徒追着一名美女从白衣人身边经过,他只是静静地看着。
Several gangsters chasing a beautiful woman passed by the man in white. He just watched it quietly.
A money bag fell out of a gangster, and the man in white just watched it quietly.
54. 从一个歹徒身上掉出个钱袋,白衣人也只是静静地看着。
A money bag fell out of a gangster, and the man in white just watched it quietly.
Everything has nothing to do with him, and he has nothing to do with everything.
55. 一切的事,都与他无关,他也与一切的事无关。
Everything has nothing to do with him, and he has nothing to do with everything.
Finally, the red sun rose above his head, and the man in white cried in his heart, "It's the time!"
56. 终于,红日升上头顶,白衣人心中叫了声:“是时候了!”
Finally, the red sun rose above his head, and the man in white cried in his heart, "It's the time!"
Without the glow and the music, the man in white disappeared in the world.
57. 没有霞光万丈,没有仙乐鸣奏,白衣人瞬间在世上消失无迹。
Without the glow and the music, the man in white disappeared in the world.
Since then, there has been one less cultivator in the world.
58. 从此,人间修士,又少了一位。
Since then, there has been one less cultivator in the world.

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